This page contains videos from Dadaab refugee camps. These will be videos of encouragement, hope, inspiration and persistence to refugee life. It will be very educational especially if you are interested in knowing more about the life of refugees in Dadaab camps in Kenya which is about 25 years old now and is the largest camp in the world. We hope you enjoy them.
If you feel more interested after watching the videos you can also check the website; Dadaab Stories by FilmAid International based in Dadaab.
Messages from syrian refugee students in Dadaab to Syrian children refugees in Jordan and around the world.
Dadaab newsletter; The Refugee
Dadaab refugee students talking about the importance of education
Challenges of going to school; the story of a young boy in Dadaab.
Future Dreams of Pupils from Dadaab.
BHER documentary about the need for education in Dadaab
Radio broadcasts entertain and educate Dadaab refugees
Scholarship Initiatives for young women in Dadaab
The ambition of a young-orphan-blind-talented-school boy
What Dadaab looks like
UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador tells her experiances during her visit to Dadaab
Kristin Davis from OXFAM becomes emotional when talking what she saw in Dadaab
This video talks about Teaching in Dadaab refugee camp and the future aspirations of teachers and pupils of Dadaab.