Living, Learning and Teaching in Dadaab (LLTD) camps is a research project that aims at improving the academic welfare of refugee teachers in Dadaab. Dadaab Refugee Camp is located in sub Sahara Northeast Kenya and is the largest protracted refugee camp in the world. LLTD is a collaborative research project with The University of British Columbia (UBC), Moi University, Kenya, and NGO Windle Trust Kenya.
While LLTD is a research project that creates an understanding of teacher education and student learning in the camps and with an ultimate goal of exploring ways of improving learning and teaching in Dadaab refugee schools, Dadaab Teacher Education Program (TEP) Office at UBC deals with funding and administration of the program.
Working alongside the Borderless Higher Education for Refugees (BHER) offering higher education in Dadaab, LLTD focuses on better understanding the experiences of refugee teachers in order to improve higher education and professional development for teachers. LLTD explores what it means to live, learn and teach in Dadaab. A goal of the project is to provide vital knowledge needed for sustained teacher learning in emergency crisis situations.